On BERIKA® shotguns, maintenance has been reduced to a minimum, but that minimum must be performed to ensure safe and reliable functioning and a longer service life for the shotgun. At the end of the hunting or shooting day, perform the Maintenance as indicated.
When combustion residues, grease or dirt particles have accumulated in the action, clean and lubricate the firearmCleaning and lubrication of the shotgun after use is the best guarantee for protection of parts against corrosion deriving from combustion residues and from use of the firearm in humid or saline environments.
WARNING: Check that the firearm is unloaded (cartridge chamber empty, receiver empty, magazine tube empty). Keeping the bolt retracted approximately 2 cm (1 inch), check that the chamber is unloaded by looking through the chamber. Keeping the bolt retracted approximately 2 cm (1 inch), check that the receiver is unloaded by looking through the ejection port. By pressing down the carrier check to ensure the magazine tube is empty. If the shotgun is not unloaded, unload it as described in the chapter "Unloading the firearm". Lower the hammer on the unloaded gun by pulling the trigger.
CAUTION: Do not apply excess oil: accumulation of oil attracts dirt which can plug the barrel and interfere with the functioning and reliability of the gun.
1. After use, thoroughly clean the barrel bore by passing a swab through it to remove combustion residues. If necessary, use a cleaning rod with bronze brush and/or a patch soaked in a bore cleaning solvent. Also include the chambers in your cleaning operation.
2. Thoroughly clean the barrel tang locking shoulder.
3. Pull a clean soft patch through the barrel bore.
4. Lightly lubricate the barrel bore by pulling through it a soft clean patch treated with gun oil.
5. Check the barrel and the cartridge chamber to ensure that they are clean and free from obstructions.
WARNING: Excess oil and grease obstructing the bore even partially are very dangerous when firing and may cause damages to the shotgun and serious injury to the shooter and bystanders. Never spray or apply oil to the shotshells.
Use lubricants properly: you are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of your firearm.
CAUTION: Magnum cartridges and particularly Super Magnum (3") shotshells produce a high amount of combustion gases. The particular composition of some Super Magnum shotshells' powder can generate a strong deposit of combustion residues. The parts of the shotgun which, coming into contact with the gases, are more affected by the combustion residues are the gas cylinder (inside) (I) and the piston (J).
1. Check that the piston slides freely inside the gas cylinder.
2. Carefully clean the inner side of the gas cylinder with a bronze brush sprayed with gun oil.
3. When all combustion residues are removed, clean the inside of the gas cylinder with a soft cloth.
4. Carefully clean the piston and check that the piston can move freely in gas cylinder.
CAUTION: Do not oil these parts. (GAS CYLINDER and PISTON)
Every 1000 rounds (according to the type of ammunition used) and in any case at the end of the hunting or shooting season, before storing the shotgun, complete the Maintenance with the following extra operations.
Thoroughly clean the parts with a small brush and gun oil. Carefully dry with a soft cloth and lightly oil the parts with gun oil.
Thoroughly clean the parts with a soft cloth. Lightly oil the metal parts and the trigger plate retaining pin.
Maintain as described for the bolt assembly. Lightly oil the slide rails of the bolt inside the receiver.
Clean the outside of the magazine tube with a soft cloth sprayed with gun oil. Carefully dry with a soft cloth and lightly oil.